VORTEX – Non Nova

WHAT Performance
WHEN 22 – 25 Aug. 21 hrs
WHERE Academy for Untamed Creativity (AFUK) – see map
TICKET 95 kr.



Wind is changeable and volatile. While being destructive it’s also life-giving, and it is this unpredictable power of nature which plays the lead in new circus company Non Nova’s breathtaking, wordless and moving performances. Is goes without saying that you can’t juggle with the wind. Or can you?

The audience is sucked up into the eye of the hurricane, when Vortex transforms innocence and animal fables into an intense and violent battle against the wind. The performer is whirled around in an endless fight against this invisible and forever changing force. A battle destined for doom. Her outer protective layer disappears, leaving just the core. The innermost, the purest and most fragile.

from12 years
Academy for Untamed Creativity (AFUK)
SUPPORT Institut Francais

Artistic direction, choreography, scenography and with: Phia Ménard
Dramaturgy: Jean-Luc Beaujault
Soundtrack composition: Ivan Roussel using Claude Debussy’s music
Sound technician: Olivier Gicquiaud
Lighting design & technician: Alice Ruest
Wind design: Pierre Blanchet
Wind- & stage manager: Manuel Menes
Set construction: Philippe Ragot assisted by Rodolphe Thibaud & Samuel Danilo
Costumes & accessories: Fabrice Ilia Leroy
Photo: Jean-Luc Beaujault
Production & administration: Claire Massonnet
Production assistants: Honorine Meunier & Clarisse Merot

Coproductions & residencies: Le Centre Dramatique National de Normandie, La Brèche-Circus Arts Center for Basse-Normandie, Le Quai in Angers (EPCC-Le Quai, Angers et le réseau européen IMAGINE 2020-Art et Changement Climatique ), the multi-sited structure Scènes du Jura, La Halle aux Grains-the national theatre of Blois, the Jules Verne Circus-Regional Centre for Circus Arts in Amiens, le Grand T the Loire-Atlantique subsidised performance space in Nantes, the Théâtre Universitaire of Nantes, l’Arc the subsidised performance space of Rezé, Parc de la Villette in Paris, La Verrerie in Alès in the Cévennes/Pôle National des Arts du Cirque in Languedoc-Roussillon & Les Subsistances 2010/2011 in Lyon
With the support of the Théâtre de Thouars, a subsidised performance space in collaboration with the Cultural Services of Montreuil-Bellay, with le Grand R national theatre of La Roche-sur-Yon and with Le Fanal, national theatre of Saint-Nazaire.
Warm thanks to Pierre OREFICE, to the teachers and pupils of Gaston Serpette School in Nantes (the nursery classes and the youngest class in the primary section 2008/2009), to Pierre WATELET and Mathilde CARTON from the Natural History Museum of Nantes and to Pascal LEROUX from Collectif la Valise in Nantes.
