100% COPENHAGEN – Town Hall 2015

Copenhagen Town Hall, 2 – 31 of July 2015.
Free Entrance 

In the exhibition 100% Copenhagen at the Copenhagen Museum, photographer Maja Nydal Eriksen has asked 100 people from the performance 100% Copenhagen to define what separates them from the crowd. How are they each more than just 1% Copenhagen?

The hundred citizens are selected on the basis of six statistical criteria: sex, age, ethnicity, family composition, socioeconomic status and geography. The exhibition examines how each is more than just 1% Copenhagen.

The project can now be seen at Copenhagen City Hall until 31 July. The reactions, especially from the foreign tourists, have been very positive, as the exhibition serves as an overview and meeting with the people of Copenhagen, one to one – and give a nuanced portrait of the world’s happiest city residents.

The exhibition is daily viewed by 2-3,000 people and shows another image of Copenhagen – a diverse city where taboos are merged with personal stories and views.

The exhibition is supported by the Copenhagen Municipal Culture and Leisure Committee, Valby Local Committee, Østerbro Local Committee, Vesterbro Local Committee, Vanløse Local Committee, Christianshavns Local Committee and Amager Øst Local Committee.