100% COPENHAGEN – Exhibition

In the exhibition 100% Copenhagen at the Copenhagen Museum, photographer Maja Nydal Eriksen has asked 100 people from the performance 100% Copenhagen to define what separates them from the crowd. How are they each more than just 1% Copenhagen?

The portraits move into urban space
The project is made for and with the city, and the portraits are the residents of the city. Therefore, we use the urban space as an exhibition space. The portraits move out to Copenhagen’s 10 districts as an outdoor exhibition. 

RUNE by Maja Nydal Eriksen

Local exhibition of the people of Copenhagen
The exhibition will be opened in the city’s 10 districts, where local residents from the area will be exhibited in the city´s cultural center / library. The exhibitions are open to start / mid January.

Amager Vest: Islands Brygge Library to Jan. 5th.
Amager East: Rismen until Jan. 15th.
Bispebjerg: The library on Rentemestervej until Jan. 15th.
Brønshøj-Husum: Brønshøj Library until Jan. 15th.
Inner City: Christianshavns Library until Jan. 15th.
Nørrebro: WorldCultureCentre until Jan. 15th.
Valby: Valby Cinema until Jan. 5th.
Vanløse: Kulturstationen until Jan. 5th.
Vesterbro: Kulturanstalten until 15 Jan.
Østerbro: Østerbrohuset until Jan. 5th.

HOCINE af Maja Nydal Eriksen

The exhibition is supported by the Copenhagen Municipal Culture and Leisure Committee, Valby Local Committee, Østerbro Local Committee, Vesterbro Local Committee, Vanløse Local Committee, Christianshavns Local Committee and Amager Øst Local Committee.