Trevor Davies Walking Copenhagen Metropolis

11 Aug.: Trevor Davies

TIME: 11 Aug. 10.00-22.00h
START: Refshaleøen, Copenhagen K
CATEGORY: Cultural communicator
Live-stream every hour on the hour on


A total of 99 artists have walked over 2000 kilometers in and around Copenhagen. They have given signs of life along the way in the form of 1300 live streams of artistic actions expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas. All this material now constitutes a unique archive of reflections.

99 voices have been heard in the city. They raise important questions – and they dare to dream and hope. This is the starting point for my walk, which becomes a reflection on some of the traces left behind. Traces that are often sensitive, personal and searching in this time when the world is out of balance, but also traces pointing in new directions.

A large city map shows where the 99 artists walked. I take the 99 name tags from the map and put them in my backpack along with chalk, charcoal, markers, paint and other goodies to return 12 statements to 12 reflection sites in the city.

I stop at places I love. Places that cut through the city and that are all marked by uncertainty. They are in the midst of their own transformation, where it is still possible to signal that love is more important than speculation. I start and end at the tip of the city with a view to the future – the floating city.

I am already a little overwhelmed and completely humbled to have to categorize something so diverse and wild, but curation, editing and archiving show a way into the material – not as a framing, but as a direction.




Some of the artistic reflections that Trevor Davies quotes can be read in their full length on the Metropolis blog in posts by Mille Højerslev and by Trevor himself.

10.00 h

11.00 h

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14.00 h

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17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h

21.00 h

22.00 h


Trevor Davies is originally a trained urban planner with almost 50 years in the field as a cultural communicator, cultural strategist, cultural curator, cultural (city) planner, etc. and accustomed to working on both micro and macro scale. In this context, he is the founder and still artistic director of Københavns Internationale Teater, now together with Katrien Verwilt.