28 May: Tomas Lagermand Lundme

TIME: 28 May 08.00-20.00h
START: Bagerstræde, Copenhagen V
CATEGORY: Writer / playwright
Live-stream each hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen

WITH LOVE, FROM HATE – 12 letters about visible and invisible pain


I will visit 12 places in the city where I have met anxiety in various ways. I have written a letter to the 12 places. The letters are left in various ways in the 12 places and can subsequently be read and found by all.


A letter has an intimacy over it. It has a lived history in the dark as well. Now that story gets light. Only this way it can be released and I myself can move on. I call it “Love, from hate – an exchange of letters for better or worse.”





08.00 h

09.00 h

10.00 h

11.00 h

12.00 h

13.00 h

14.00 h

15.00 h

16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h



I always work with my own history as a starting point. Anxiety, violence, rape, hatred and self-hatred have been part of my work, whether as a writer, playwright, screenwriter, or visual artist.

The picture of me is after an attack on me near Frihedsstøtten on Vesterbrogade the night between Saturday and Sunday, February 1, 2009.

Tomas Lagermand Lundme Metropolis Walking Copenhagen