THE PLAYGROUND – Groupenfonction

WHAT Dance
WHEN 14, 15 & 16 Aug. 21 hrs
WHERE At Supermarco, Fiskerihavnsgade 3, Enghave Brygge, Kbh SV – see map
TICKET 135 / 95 kr

A game, a dance, an enchanting party

A contagious dance, an irresistible beat, a game which re-enchants the city. Groupenfunction celebrates the community. And life. Meanwhile they throw a party, and you are invited.

Eight young people gather at dusk one evening, they want to challenge life and reject reality. The place is an abandoned site at the edge of town, wedged between grafittied walls and building debris and with a stunning view across the harbour. Their staged dance floor is fenced in and illuminated – a playground for adults. When night falls, they meet here to dance, sing, dream. To find something greater than themselves. A glimpse of another reality.

Groupenfunction possesses an infectious energy and the ability to add life and pulse into places and people. They tease you with your unspoken wishes and desires, all without words, and create a seductive performance which celebrates cohesion and life. 

 70 min.
AGE from 10 years
PHOTO Maja Nydal Eriksen

Concept & directed by
 Arnaud Pirault 
With Anthony Breurec, Elodie Colin, Raphaël Dupin, Pep Garrigues, Boris Hennion, Claire Picard, Myriam Pruvot, Hélène Rocheteau 
Light François Blet 
Sounddesign Myriam Pruvot, Supercilious
Costumes Marjolaine Touzelet 
Music & drums Jonathan Reig
Sound Guillaume Patissier
Photography Mustapha Azeroual 
Produced by Groupenfonction 
Co-production Festival Rayons Frais (Tours), Les Tombées de la Nuit (Rennes), La Paperie – Centre National des Arts de la Rue (Angers) 
Support DRAC Centre de la Région Centre, det franske kulturministerium (DGCA), Institut Francais and IN SITU network, in the frame of the META-project, with the support of the European Commission (DGEAC-Culture programme)