WHAT Performance
WHEN 12, 13 & 14 Aug. 21.30 hrs
WHERE In front of Restaurant Paustian, Kalkbrænderiløbskaj 2, Nordhavn, Kbh Ø – see map
TICKET 135 / 95 kr

Cheeky circus charmers armed with 5 tons of corn

With 1500 tiles, juggling, dance and military music on Refshaleøen, Le G. Bistaki created one of the biggest hits at Metropolis 2013. Armed with shovels, five tons of corn and dressed in colonialists’ whiter than white suits, they return with their brand new performance.

Ruthless and cheeky like rascals in an American western, Le G. Bistaki thrill us with their wacky voodoo rituals, surreal video projections, passionate tango and fiery fights. Delightful and amusing postmodernism, like straight out of a crazy dream.

Rarely have we seen contemporary circus, dance and object theatre form a higher unity. Or that this combination is so political, not least existentially affirmative. The five artists’ handling of the tiles, women’s handbags and their own bodies is set-wise and choreographically world class” Politiken on The Trail 

 70 min.
AGE from 10 years
PHOTO Maja Nydal Eriksen

By & with
 Florent Bergal, Sylvain Cousin, Jive Faury, François Juliot
Technical director Nina Pire
Light Hugo Oudin
Video Guillaume Bautista
Manager Christelle Jung
Administration Véronique Dubarry
Production Le G. Bistaki
Co-production & residencies l’Usine, Scène conventionnée pour les arts dans l’espace public, (Tournefeuille), Pyrénées de cirque –POCTEFA, Le Parapluie CNAR– Aurillac, Le Fourneau (Bretagne), Atelier 231 (Sotteville-lès-Rouen), Hameka – Sivom Artzamendi – Louhossoa, Ax Animation (Ax les Thermes), La Central del Circ, Barcelone et projektet Process()s, Animakt (Saulx les Chartreux), la Maison des Jonglages, le Centre Culturel Jean Houdremont de La Courneuve,  la DRAC Ile-de-France, Théâtre du Fil de l’Eau (Pantin), Le Familistère (Guise), Arto (Ramonville), Derrière le Hublot (Capdenac), Association Beaumarchais-SACD
Support Association Beaumarchais-SACD + Auteurs d’Espaces, Région Midi-Pyrénées, Conseil Général de la Seine St Denis, Ville de Toulouse, Conseil Général de la Haute-Garonne, Institut Francais and IN SITU network, in the frame of the META-project, with the support of the European Commission (DGEAC-Culture programme)