STATIC EQUILIBRIUM by Dansebryggeriet – part of Move It!

DATE & PLACE Sun. 2 Sept. 13.00-13.15 / AFUK


Static Equilibrium deals with the idea of force and balance. It depicts a physical force that we can feel alone and together, a personal empowerment or a force created when we stand together against a set of ideas. Different expressions of force eventually conflict with each other and need to be balanced before an equilibrium can be restored.

Dansebryggeriet is a youth performance company for dancers between 12 and 20 years. The dancers train twice a week in contemporary technique and explore new formats with different choreographers. The piece premiered in Stockholm under Young Movers festival in August 2018.

Idea/concept/artistic direction: Mette Møller Overgaard
Choreography: Mette Møller Overgaard and Joel Degerfeldt in collaboration with the dancers
Sound design: Dave Black
Performers: Liva Nørskov, Wilma Tranum Bauman, Martha Arlund, Selma Erkut, Isa Rohmann, Charlie Møller Nielsen, Coco Baunø Partov, Kathrine Bang, Olivia Brophy
Photo: Bahadir Berber

Presented as part of MOVE IT! 30 Aug.-2 Sept. – see full programme