20 May: Silas Inoue

TIME: 20 May 11.00-23.00h
START: Amager
CATEGORY: Visual artist
Live-stream each hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen


Silas Inoue Walking Copenhagen Metropolis

The walk will be a kind of guided tour through construction sites, flooded basements, marsh areas and other overlooked gems in a rapidly developing Copenhagen. During the walk, various installations and performative works are presented, which speak in various ways about growth and decay – ecologically as well as economically.

At the same time, the walk will relate to exercising. For many, a physical necessity that has become extra present and visible in these days – both in public space and as digital streaming. The walk includes a game of tennis with poet and writer Sophia Handler and continues past the Thai boxing club Copenhagen Muay Thai – a rarely charming place and for many an important meeting point, where social awareness and hard physical training bring people together across cultural differences.

The walk will also offer a form of live-streamed TV kitchen, where the Plum twins will prepare a special mash meal with seafood and plants from Utterslev Mose. A much needed energy boost on top of the long walk including various physical activities.

I imagine that the meeting with the different places, moods and people in combination with the installation works will draw an alternative metropolitan image that is both swampy and vibrant.



11.00 h

12.00 h

13.00 h

14.00 h

15.00 h

16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h

21.00 h

22.00 h

23.00 h


Silas Inoue’s practice is often described as both idiosyncratic and eclectic because it ranges widely in themes as well as expressions. Through drawing, sculpture, installation and performance, Inoue’s interests move from the dawn of evolution to today’s high-tech future scenarios. Often it is precisely in the interconnectedness of dualities such as nature and man, materiality and awareness that his works take shape. This is emphasized by the fact that he uses both classic sculpture materials as well as less conventional ones; sugar, cooking oil, molds and other living organisms whose natural processes unfold or freeze in the works.

Silas Inoue’s previous solo exhibitions include l∞p at Tableau Cph in 2020 as well as owΔηiʍa station at Marie Kirkegaard Gallery in 2019. Most recently, Inoue participated in the group exhibition Young Danish Art; Community Forecasts at Arken Museum of Modern Art and is also active with the solo exhibition eat & becʘ̃me at the House of Arts and Design, Holstebro May/June 2020 and the duo exhibition Love Your Monsters in collaboration with Anders Brinch, presented on Christiansø in the summer of 2020.



Portrait: Lars Schwander