PHOENIX – Wunderland

WHAT Individual performance
WHEN 16 – 30 Aug. 14.30-16.30 hrs & 18.30-21 hrs (except mondays)
Starts every 8 min. for one person. You buy a ticket for a timeslot and will be informed about your individual starting time by mail.
WHERE Teaterøens Café, William Wains Gade 11, Refshaleøen, Kbh K – see map
TICKET 165 / 125 kr

Your very own adventure in Copenhagen’s harbour

You get a designated time for when you have to show up at an address by the harbour. You pick up the scent of rope and boats. The door squeaks when you open it. You peep inside. You hear the sound of a fireplace. The floor is covered with thick layers of ashes. Someone comes towards you and bids you inside.

You are about to embark on a sensuous walk mixing installation, soundscape, interactive technology, lyrics and performance. You will go through the experience all on your own, guided by performers and a GPS sound system, all while you follow the scent of delicate tracks leading you to unexplored places. The scent of ship wrecks, forgotten childhood dreams, and the shadow of a face which resembles your own.

Back in 2014, Phoenix, which hails from Aarhus, received an award from The Arts Foundation’s scholarship commission. Mette Aakjær, the director, works with sensory and engaging performances, and she has now assembled an international team, which has adapted the performance to the old harbour on Refshaleøen.

NB! In English

DURATION 90 min.
AGE 14 years
REMARK The performance is not suitable for walking impaired
PHOTO Maja Nydal Eriksen

Artistic director & performer
 Mette Aakjær (DK)
Dramaturgy consultant Sarah John (Australia)
Composer & sound artist Thoranna Bjornsdottir (Iceland)
Performer & dancer Cindy Rudel (Germany)
Performer & dancer Nina Matthis (Sweden)
Performer Sara Vilardo (Italy)
Visual artist Sigrid Astrup (Norway)
Author Sonja Winckelman Thomsen (DK)
Guest performer Helga Rosenfeldt-Olsen (DK)

Technical interaction designer
 Rune Brink (DK)
Technical development Mads Gundersen og Carl Jensen (DK)
Producer & projektleader Carlos Calvo, Teaterøen (DK)
PR-responsible Helle Kvist, Teaterøen (DK)
Production assistant Nína Hjálmarsdóttir (Iceland)
Scenography assistent Ida Lundø Madsen

 Wunderland, Københavns Internationale Teater and Teaterøen
Support Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst, Nordic Culture Fund and Nordic Culture Point