Open call for participants – HABITAT by Doris Uhlich

The Austrian choreographer Doris Uhlich has created a number of beautiful stagings of HABITAT in Vienna, Cologne, Bristol, Marseille, Munich and Trondheim. Now Metropolis has invited Doris Uhlich to stage the performance on Refshaleøen in a changing landscape. HABITAT is tableaus with human bodies as part of a community, a common expression and a common body.

HABITAT celebrates the body in all its forms and expressions. Want to join?
Workshops 23-27 July / Performances 28, 29, 30 July 2023

Habitat Doris Uhlich Metropolis 2023

HABITAT breaks with the conventional ideals of beauty and body images and celebrates the naked body in all its strength, fragility and naturalness.

Metropolis and Doris Uhlich are looking for approx. 40 people (18+) of all ages, genders and from all backgrounds – experience on a stage and with dance is not necessary. All bodies are welcome.


HABITAT is Doris Uhlich’s largest group choreography to date. The soundscape is electronic and played live by a DJ, while the participants celebrate community and diversity in a performance that captivates with its energy and humanity. The mission is to transcend the conventional ideals of body, dance and nudity.

Doris Uhlich has worked on the biggest international stages and festivals. She has won several awards for her work with the naked body in focus. Our time requires a new awareness of our bodily connectedness with each other and with the world around us. At the same time, we are now living for 100 years, and there is a need for a more diverse body identity. See more at

For many years, Metropolis has explored Copenhagen’s urban space with a diverse program of performing arts. This year, the programme gathers on Refshaleøen, where the landscape is changing from heavy industry to creative free space to a new district.

This year, we invite Doris Uhlich to create her important work on Refshaleøen together with all of you who want to help create an honest and powerful performance paying tribute to all bodies.


Your presence is required every day for the entire period:

23 July 12.00-22.00
24-27 July 17.00-22.00

28 July 15.00-23.00
29-30 July 17.00-23.00

Participants in the performance are naked. The performances will partly take place in the public space, but the audience is not allowed to take photos.


Workshop and performances will take place on Refshaleøen, Copenhagen.
The workshop takes place both indoors and outdoors. The performance takes place outdoors.


Participation is rewarded with workshop/performance per-diems of DKK 500 per day for 8 days.
Participation in the workshop days is a prerequisite for taking part in the performance.
There are refreshments along the way.

Are you interested in joining?
Please send this information to before 26 May.

Phone number:
2 photos: a portrait and a full body photo (fully clothed)

After this, Doris Uhlich will put together a team to ensure as many different participants as possible. You will be notified by 19 June at the latest if you are one of the participants.

NB! We are planning an online information meeting with Doris Uhlich. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to

Habitat Doris Uhlich Metropolis 2023