31 May: Marlene Bonnesen

TIME: 31 May 06.00-18.00h
START: Søndermarken
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen

 The walk is based on 12 scores called ACTS#. The 12 scores are physical actions performed in areas where I have spent a lot of time over the last few months. Each score comes from a scrapbook that I wrote and worked on in March, April and May 2020. The scrapbook contains textual material, airy notes, messages, pictures, video links and articles, all of which illustrate a form of boredom, restless thoughts, hope, observations, hunger for stimulation and documentation from a special time in more or less isolation.


The 12 scores consist of a mix of movement, modes, readings, intuitive actions and possibly some singing if you are (un)lucky. On the walk, I have allied myself with a blue rope, which either defines the physical space in which I perform the score, or can be used as an object or as a helping hand on the trip.


Click and see Marlene Bonnesen’s scrapbook, which has provided material for the 12 ACTS# of the hike:

KARANTÆNETID – en scrapbog


06.00 h

07.00 h

08.00 h

09.00 h

10.00 h

11.00 h

12.00 h

13.00 h

14.00 h

15.00 h

16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h




Marlene Bonnesen is a dancer, teacher and choreographer based in Copenhagen. She graduated from the Danish Performing Arts School in 2015. She is part of the collective Danseatelier – a collective-driven work studio with 11 artists working together to create continuity and choreographic knowledge sharing in the Copenhagen dance community. She is particularly concerned with how organizational structures and collective distribution of work have a choreographic potential in their own right.


In her own work, she often uses dogmas to develop physical and interactive material. In addition to her own works and projects, she has also worked for companies such as recoil performance group, GAZART, WE GO, Running Sculptures and Ángels Margarit / cia Mudances.




Photo: Lærke Bonnesen, Sia Løvetofte and Anja S. Løvetofte