9 June: Kitt Johnson

TIME: 9 June 09.00-21.00h
START: Horsekildevej, Valby
CATEGORY: Dancer / choreographer
JOIN: Follow live-stream at 19.00 and 20.00 to get to know the meeting place for the final action at 21.00
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen


Let’s assume that man is a piece of nature.
And as such inextricably linked to the planet.


Let us assume that man is a sub-organism of the planetary body.
And as such, subject to the metabolism of the planet.


Let’s assume that human lymph flow flows seamlessly with that of the planet.
And thus is in incessant flow with the planetary body.


Let us then assume that man begins to exhibit dysfunctional behavior, loses the delicate sense of balance.
And thus obstructs the flow and creates planetary imbalance.


So let’s assume that the planet’s lymphatic body is so stressed that it re-infects its sub-organism ………….


Lymphatic Action is a vessel navigating through a corona-affected city. A tool for re-opening the lymph flow.


(The lymphatic system is roughly the immune system’s transport structure; and its flow is a precondition for the immune system’s action elite unit, the white blood cells, to move back and forth in the body, and new white blood cells to come into action, and old ones to be disposed of. Therefore, the lymph is fundamental to the functioning of the immune system.)


Copenhagen in times of corona: Snapshots from the “invisible” part of the work Lymphatic Action – gathered on the route during research and during the action itself in the period 17 May – 9 June 2020


09.00 h

10.00 h

11.00 h

12.00 h

13.00 h

14.00 h

15.00 h

16.00 h – 1

16.00 h – 2

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h

21.00 h



Dancer and choreographer Kitt Johnson has the solo form as her primary focus, but her repertoire spans wide and includes several ensemble, circus and site-specific works as well as a children’s and family performance. A red thread throughout all works is an interest in universal / existential themes and a minimalist form of expression.


She tours extensively, nationally and internationally. And as artistic director of the performing arts company X-act, she also regularly organises and curates a number of performance festivals, including the site-specific MELLEMRUM and C!CAF, Copenhagen Circus Arts Festival. With these, she has made it her goal to create platforms for dialogue and exchange in the national as well as international performing arts environment.


Over the years, Kitt Johnson’s work has been recognized with numerous awards, nominations and grants in Denmark and internationally. Most recently, in 2018, she received the Danish Art Foundation’s honorary grant.




Kitt Johnson Metropolis Walking CopenhagenPhotos: 1) Lao Chi Wai