Hooman Sharifi Cullberg

“Art can create understanding” – interview with Hooman Sharifi

Choreographer Hooman Sharifi was in Copenhagen this spring to prepare for the performance of the dance performance “While in battle I’m free, never free to rest” by Cullberg, which will be performed for free at Blågårds Plads from June 25th to 29th 2024.

Hear about the performance and his thoughts on the role of art in these times in the video interview – or read excerpts below:



– The performance combines hip-hop dancers from various styles with contemporary dance. It’s about how these styles intersect and how different bodies and movement patterns meet each other. It’s almost like different languages.

– We took Iranian folk music and remixed it to create a soundscape, which Neda Sanai DJs from.

– I would say it is a political piece. In a way, all art has a political angle in itself. It’s not about politics in relation to one party or another. It’s fundamentally about politics in relation to existence.

– Coexistence is an important issue we must address because we will experience migration. In the future, we will need strategies to live with each other with all our differences.

– I believe that the language of art has great potential to create understanding… I never decide what the audience should take away from it, as that is not my role. And it is very difficult to control what the audience takes with them. I think it’s about creating a space where thoughts and understanding can emerge.