23 July: Eja Due

TIME: 23 July 00.00-12.00h
START: Studiestræde, Copenhagen K
CATEGORY: Performance artist
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen


I want to walk at night and listen to the anxiety of the city – through the silence and the darkness – while you’re dreaming.

I want to listen to the cracks where the anxiety is hiding, to the areas where the anxiety is stored.

Somewhere in the space in-between your dreams and my sleepless state, I will examine whether we, together, can seek out the many places where the tone of anxiety on a daily basis is drowned out or overheard.

Will you walk with me, in your dreams, through the city?

If yes:

So meet me here on facebook exactly at midnight when the 22nd turns into the 23rd of July.

Just be ready to listen to the anxiety – from where you sleep.

Through the silence and the darkness – while you dream.

For those of you who have time, it is also possible to participate in a small concluding, anxious meditation on July 23 at 11.00-12.00 – in the middle of the city.




00.00 h

01.00 h

02.00 h

03.00 h

04.00 h

05.00 h

06.00 h

07.00 h

08.00 h – 1

08.00 h – 2

09.00 h

10.00 h

11.00 h

12.00 h


Through Teater Bæst, Eja Due creates intimidating interventions to confront hidden and repressed topics in people and society through research-based, intimate, interactive meetings.

Moral panic, fear and habitual perceptions are challenged through her works, which confront and engage the audience in an active study of the stigmatized, tabooed and marginalized in ourselves and in the society in which we participate.

Her works have been described as “friendly transgressions” – which seek to inspire critical thinking in relation to the specific social issues that the works shed light on.

In her in-depth work with the intimate, participant-based format, she always considers the audience as co-creators.

Eja Due Walking Copenhagen Metropolis