10 July: Anna Skov

TIME: 10 July 8.00-20.00h
START: Valbygårdsvej, Valby
CATEGORY: Playwright
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen


Anna Skov Metropolis Wa(l)king Copenhagen


”For the Heroine,
the slaying of the Beast is no onetime feat

The Battle; a constant daily chore
and habit embedded in bones

See. Battle. Slay. Repeat

The Beast resurrects
In Cycles “


THE HEROINE’S JOURNEY is a walk through women’s lives and women’s workplaces during Covid-19 and a rendition of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey in a feminist perspective on storytelling.

The corona crisis has turned our working lives and the relationship between work and family upside down, and it has sometimes completely blurred the boundaries between them. Some have been sent home, to a home office and home schooling, others have become part of a critical contingency that has been the front line in tackling the pandemic.

I visit 12 women, places and organizations and meet them where they work to talk about values, life missions and how the corona crisis has changed their living and working conditions.




08.00 h

09.00 h

10.00 h

11.00 h

11.30 h

12.00 h

13.00 h

14.00 h

15.00 h

16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h


Anna Skov is a playwright trained at The Danish School of Performing Arts in 2019. In the season 20/21, she is employed as a house playwright at Teater Katapult. Since completing her education, she has been involved in development projects and readings, most recently at Teater Grob in March 2020 and with the New-Dane Jimbut’s Cultural Association at the Beijing Fringe Festival in 2019.

Her stage texts centre around the forces that work behind the backs of people of both outer and inner character. It may be the violence and structural oppression of the system, but also the instincts; sexuality, love and rage hold a great place in her drama.

Anna is also very busy working in and exploring alternative processes of text creation, preferably in cross-aesthetic and collective collaborations that challenge the dominant hierarchy of the performing arts.

And then she’s fun. Anna Skov is really fun.