100% FOREIGN? – Copenhagen Town Hall 2017

DATE & PLACE: 18-29 April 2017 – Copenhagen Town Hall / 21, 22, 23 April – Living dialogues


See all portraits on www.100pctfremmed.dk

100% Foreign? is a living archive with 100 stories, 100 photos and 100 voices with and from 100 citizens who have one thing in common – they are all former refugees.

18 – 29 of April the exhibition can be seen at the Copenhagen City Hall.

21, 22, 23 of April, the exhibition transforms into a living archive, where you can meet the participants in short dialogues. Free ticket reservations at www.scenebillet.dk 


“I am not at all foreign. I feel at home in Denmark, because I have created a life here. And I have made an effort to become part of Danish culture. I’ve read the Bible, I know the Danish islands, and I know how to say “hi” in the dialect of Southern Jutland.”

“I haven’t applied for Danish citizenship, as I see myself as a citizen of the world. Nationality is a category, which only intends to put mankind into categories.“

“I have a good job and I’ve had a good education in Denmark. But despite this I don’t fell at home here. My children are Danish, but I don’t know what I am.”

Manal Bashir Tahhan, photo by Maja Nydal Eriksen


100% FOREIGN? adds a new chapter to Denmark’s history by collecting and displaying personal stories from and about Danish citizens with refugee background – stories about being an individual in today’s Denmark.

100% FOREIGN? is a documentary art project, which by end of 2019 will comprise 300 portraits, 300 interviews and 300 voices belonging to 300 statistically selected citizens, who since 1956 have arrived in Denmark as refugees. Behind the project is Metropolis and curator/photographer Maja Nydal Eriksen.

The exhibition 100% FREMMED? with the first 100 portraits from the greater Copenhagen area was created for Metropolis in 2017. It was shown at Copenhagen Town Hall as well as at several outdoor venues in Copenhagen and was visited by more than 100,000 people.

The exhibition fills the entire Copenhagen City Hall with interviews and photo portraits created with Tivoli as colorful, symbolic and humorous scenes that mix Danish and ethnic symbols.

21.-23. APRIL

Meet the participants from 100% foreigners? face to face the 21, 22 and 23 of April, when they tell their story and get the opportunity to join a short conversation with the narrator.

The tales are as different as the people who tell them. Some tell about their lives today, and some about what they have fled from. There are stories about love, about war, about jobs, about the welfare society, about feeling foreign and about feeling at home.

Nematollah Osmani, photo by Maja Nydal Eriksen


Production: Metropolis / Københavns Internationale Teater
Concept & photography: Maja Nydal Eriksen
Interviews, text, research: Mette Katrine Balle Jensen, Sisse Nat-George
Graphic design: Elisavet Papageorgiou
Country profiles: Arian Odabaei
Calligraphy: Salim Assi
Printing: Damgaard-Jensen

Living dialogues:
Instruction: Babak Vakili, Emmet Feigenberg, Gritt Uldall-Jessen, Inger Eilersen, Lisa Carlehead, Nicolei Faber, Rhea Leman, Thomas Corneliussen, Vigga Bro og Wladimir Herman
Dramaturgy: Jesper Bergmann
Sound: Turkman Souljah

Supported by: Danish Arts Foundation Committee for the Performing Arts, City of Copenhagen, Sportgoodsfonden, Interkulturelt Center, Knud Højgaards Fond

Thanks to Copenhagen Town Hall, Tivoli A/S, Danish Refugee Council, Danish Language Centres, Association of Ethnic Minorities, University of Copenhagen, VerdensKulturCentret.

Guided tours can be booked free of charge for schools and larger groups by writing to lkj@kit.dk