Video-interview with artist Emke Idema about “RULE”

By Karen Toftegaard

This Saturday I met with the young dutch artist Emke Idema and asked her some questions about her project RULE. It’s an interactive game about migration and inegality – reflecting the social rules – how they are shaped in mini societies. Among other things Emke says: “I’m not an activist. I’m an artist.” She regards the artspace to be “holy” and doesn’t think it should merge or dissappeare into society. “It doesn’t matter if it is possible. Failure is not relevant in an artspace. In our thoughts we can try everything!” She states convincing.

The interview is made in Copenhagen, where RULE is part of Metropolis 2015 – Festival of art in urban space. The video is created in Copenhagen Townhall on a Saturday where a lot of people get married (hence the relatively large amount of married couples and rice for the pigeons).

You can participate in RULE:

August 24th – 26th at 8pm
Kulturstyrelsens Foyer, H.C. Andersens Boul. 2, Kbh V