RISQUE ZÉRO – Galapiat

Hyperactive wildness in the shaky tent
WHEN 21-22 Aug. 19 hrs. and 23-24 Aug. 16 hrs.
WHERE Big top at Refshaleøen, Minefeltet | show map
TICKET 165 kr / youth 85 kr


As far as Galapiat’s six daredevils are concerned, fear is something to be poked fun at. Like a bunch of overexcited youngsters on speed, they’re totally out of control. They throw knives, balance with axes, spit out balls, fly headlong through the air, play with fire, are suspended by their hair, all whilst they play the violin, guitar, bass, clarinet. They fear nothing. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn’t.

The two gladiators, the self-absorbed king, the flying clown, the persistent photographer and the company’s muse, and only female, are all charged with an impressive Peter Pan energy. Enter super heroes, cowboys and clowns in an almost lethally dangerous challenge of how far one can go.

Reckless artistry, pretentious musicality and moments of fine poetry created this hit performance, which makes the tent pegs tremble, blows the audience away and sends the fear out for the count.

DURATION 100 min.
AGE 6 years

By & with
: Elice Abonce, Sébastien Armengol, Moïse Bernier, Jonas Séradin, Lucho Smit & Sébastien Wojdan
Co-director: Gilles Cailleau
Light: Gautier Gravelle
Sound: Luc Mainaud
Administration: Nolwenn Manac’h, Lucile Mulliez og Emmanuelle Nonet
: DMDTS-Ministére e la Culture, Région Bretagne, Conseil Général des Côtes d’Armor, Marie de Langueux, ADAMI
Co-production: La Cascade/Bourg St Andéol og Espace Athic/Obernai


Presented in cooperation with Refshaleøens Ejendomsselskab and supported by Institut Français + Région Bretagne

PHOTO: Nicolas Pages