LA POÈME – Jeanne Mordoj

The bearded lady returns – with less hair and more eggs 
WHEN 14 & 15 Aug. 19 hrs. and 22 hrs.
WHERE Byens Lys / Fabrikken, Christiania | show map
TICKET 135 kr / youth 75 kr


Do you remember the bearded and charismatic ventriloquist woman who juggles with egg yolks? In 2012 Jeanne Mordoj visited with ‘In Praise of Hairiness’, a performance which impressed audience and critics alike. In the meantime she has shed the beard, but carries on with her exploration of the feminine, the bestial… and eggs.

She’s lifted her egg-fascination to a new level, and she perfects it with belly dancing, breast juggling and crushed egg shell galore. The new solo constitutes everything which is fascinating and exotic about Jeanne as an artist.

Jeanne is also a visual artist. She celebrates the feminine and the vibrant with her impulsive and expressive drawings of people. She does the drawings with her eyes closed. In some weird way the sketches resemble the woman in La Poème, so of course the drawings can be seen in the foyer in connection with the performance.

“You are seduced – in a way I never saw coming, completely and utterly magical” Politiken on In Praise of Hairiness

DURATION 45 min.
AGE from 12 years

By & with: Jeanne Mordoj
Sound: Isabelle Surel
Light: Claire Villard
Co-direction: Julie Denisse
Coproduced by: Les Subsistances, Laboratoire international de création artistique
Residencies: Centquatre & Théâtre de la Bastille

PHOTO: Camille Sauvage // Bertrand Gaudillere