HORIZON by Chloé Moglia (FR) – part of Move It!

Perseverance, strength and weightlessness 7 meters above ground
Thursday 30 August 19h30 / AFUK, Cph. SV – find your way
Friday 31 August 19h30 / Ofelia Plads, Cph. K – find your way
Saturday 1 September 18h30 / J. C. Jacobsens Have, Cph. V – find your way


Horizon is a pause in the air. A break where time and place has been suspended. Just like gravity and the artist’s body.

Chloé Moglia has removed everything superfluous. What remains is just the body, the structure, air and gravity. In a concentrated, detailed choreography, she explores the unimaginable possibilities of the void. She suspends herself and everything around her. The past and the future disappear. All senses are heightened. Everything is here and now.

HORIZON is the ultimate attention and the ultimate test of strength. In a dazzlingly beautiful play with weight, weightlessness and gravity, the body dislocates itself in order to stay floating. Like a dreamy, poetic reflection of our presence, HORIZON takes us seven meters above ground for a superhuman and supernatural moment.

Duration: 30 min.

Presented as part of MOVE IT! 30 Aug.-2 Sept. – see full programme



”Total body control and muscle strength were the focal points of the French circus artist Chloé Moglia’s aerial acrobatic solo, Horizon. Accompanied by the sound of her interrupted breath, she pulled herself up a rope using pure arm strength to the top of a seven meter high three-legged metal installation. There she turned weightlessly in swallow nests, twisted the floating body in the sky, hung in one hand, in the knee or balanced on the middle of the body like a straight beam. The vulnerability was found in the fiery fingertips that constantly searched for the next fatal grip. Down on earth again, she breathed in. And so did the audience – after holding the breath for half an hour. Sublime!” Weekendavisen

By and with: Chloé Moglia
Construction: John Caroll / Paris Quartier d’Eté
Production: Rhizome
Delegated management: Le Quartz, Scène nationale de Brest
Coproduction: Paris Quartier d’Eté
Special thanks: Laurence Edelin
Photo: Thomas Seest (J.C. Jacobsens Have & AFUK) & Vojtěch Brtnický (Ofelia Plads)

Chloé Moglia is an associate artist with Centquatre-Paris and with the Agora, Evry and Essone national scenes and is supported by the BNP Paribas Fundation, by Region Bretagne, and by the Ministry of Culture: DRAC Bretagne
