THE NIGHT – hello!earth

Visioning a post-capitalist society while we sleep
– a 14-hour staged journey through the night
Fri.-Sun. 1, 2, 3 June 19.30-09.00 hrs.
Thu.-Sat. 7, 8, 9 June 19.30-09.00 hrs.
Fri.-Sun. 29 & 30 June and 1 July 19.30-09.00 hrs.
MEETING PLACE will be informed after ticket purchase
TICKET – select A or B
A. Purchase a ticket, DKK 150, on
B. Or send a description of a remarkable dream you once had to, and we will reserve a place for you – remember to include the date you wish to experience THE NIGHT


Buy ticket


Armed with toothbrushes and sleeping bags we set out to change the world. Welcome to an extraordinary experience where the daily rituals – going to bed, sleeping, dreaming, waking up again – are transformed into a sensuous and visionary journey into the dream of a post-now.

THE NIGHT is simultaneously a sensuous total theatre, a futuristic think tank and a meditative haven. On a 14-hour staged journey through the night, 30 people surrender themselves to the unknown. A collective exploration of the power of sleep as a catalyst for rethinking society, economy and community.

The evening rituals prepare us to sleep and dream together, and before you lay your head on the pillow, you can make your choice of nocturnal dream services – or you may surrender yourself to sleeping through the night. Come morning we meet, with the fragility and boundlessness of the night still deposited in our bodies, for a talk about what we dream of changing.


Each of the three weekends, THE NIGHT will be set up at a new and surprising location, which takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to feel and think grand.

The first weekend will take place where people meet in new communities. Between us there is a common energy built on diversity, whose creative force must be set free in order to encourage thoughts across and in spite of.

Second weekend we are surrounded by the boundlessness of the nature. With inspiration from the sustainable perfection of the ecosystems – as an alternative to the big city – here is breeding ground for rethinking how we fertilize tomorrow’s harvest.

During the third weekend, we are set to meet where art takes over from the raw industry in order to capture society and the present day. Ceilings are high up, and there is space for experimenting and reintroducing the magic of the world in all ranges of colours.


Meeting place will be revealed after purchase of tickets, but you will not find out where you are going to sleep until after you arrive.
Bring a sleeping bag and a toothbrush. There are mattresses and sheets for everyone.
There will be a light evening meal and breakfast.
It is important that you can participate for the whole period 19.30-09.00.
NB! The performances 3 June and 1 July will be video registered for documentation.

Minimum age: 15
Language: THE NIGHT will be in English


Hello!earth puts the audience centre stage as co-creators of the artistic works. The audience experiences, senses and acts in the performances, which explores our awareness and the myth surrounding reality. For a number of years, hello!earth has worked with the development of carefully staged agendas, which lead to an increased awareness and understanding in the quest for new spiritual and sentient communities.

With input from philosophers and experts, hello!earth creates an artistic laboratory with space for big and fragile visions. Here, new thoughts and ideas come alive, and here you create a world instead of devouring it.


“Great that Hello!earth can light a small fire in our thoughts – pointing forward. An inspiring example of how the theatres these years increasingly use the force of theatre with a more extrovert, societal aim: to let actors and spectators meet physically in a common space. To use theatre to find out how we can act together in new types of communities is a good, basic-democratic exercise.


Concept: Vera Maeder & Jacob Langaa-Sennek
Co-creating artists: Emma Cecilia Ajanki, Marga Socias, Vera Maeder, Jacob Langaa-Sennek
Set-design: Jacob Langaa-Sennek
Choreographer: Vera Maeder
Sound designer: Emil Bøll
Technician: Jon Gelting
Production assistant: Rikke Baes-Carlsen
Creative producer: Eduardo Bonito

Research collaborators: Boaz Barkan, Eero Tapio Vuori, , Inge Agnete Tarpgaard , Mar Medina, Kai Schoppe, Robert Stejn
Internships: Suvi Leppanen, Kirsten Kaagaard

Supporated by The Danish Arts Council for Performing Arts, Metropolis, DNA Festival Pamplona, Huarte Center for Contemporary Arts
Research supported by Graner Barcelona/Sismograf Festival Olot, Arts Academy Helsinki, Forsøgsstationen Copenhagen, Vestjyllands Højskole, BIRCA residency centre Bornholm

Presented by Metropolis in cooperation with CPH Stage