Rikke Oberlin Flarup Metropolis Walking Copenhagen

5 July: Rikke Oberlin Flarup

TIME: 5 July 16.00-04.00h
START: Ungarnsgade, Copenhagen S
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen



It is said that we wake from sleep the moment we dream that we dream. Maybe we die the moment we shade the shadow.

Inger Christensen, ‘Essays. The Secret State / Part of the Maze ‘.

Maybe we have all been sleepwalkers in some sense until the pandemic woke us up. If that’s true, then what do we take with us from our dreams and into the waking state? I will walk on July 5 through the day and night during the full moon. On my walk, I will use the language to build a bridge between the moon and our dreams and between our dreams and the waking state.

On my walk, I meet 11 people who tell me about their dreams and visions. Have they had dreams that burst during covid-19? Have any of their wildest dreams suddenly come true? What kind of change for the future do they dream that the pandemic could bring about?

To conclude each meeting, I receive an element from a concrete dream in the form of a written sentence. When the walk ends, I add a sentence from one of my own dreams and gather the 12 sentences into one common dream text that I read out loud.

I walk alone, but have company in all meetings. I start on Ungarnsgade on Amager and move towards Nørrebro through the Assistens Cemetery, towards Vesterbro and back towards Amager over Amager Fælled.




16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h

21.00 h

22.00 h

23.00 h

24.00 h

01.00 h

02.00 h

03.00 h

04.00 h


Rikke Oberlin Flarup is a writer and publisher and educated MSc in visual culture. She recently published the youth novel The Telephone Test at the publisher Vild Maskine. In the fall of 2019, she was part of the cross-aesthetic performance Moon Landings with musician Maja Gry Brøns and writer Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg. She is co-organizer of the Literary Festival Lille Bogdag and initiator of the Poetry Bus, which delivers poetry to all corners of Denmark from late summer 2020.


Rikke Oberlin Flarup Metropolis Walking Copenhagen



Portrait: Hanne Hvattum