12 June: Seimi Nørregaard

TIME: 12 June 16.00-04.00h
START: Sortspættegangen, Brønshøj
CATEGORY: Visual / performance artist
Live-stream every hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen

Home – now what, what will it become?


I tried.
Bringing us closer together, making us feel what it is like to be another human being.
To commemorate our childhood and the important thing that happened.
To remember.
We sat close together and sang.
We were playing that you had been hurt and the others were going to save you. Or, no, I was hurt and you had to help me. You were sick and you had to be looked after. You got a bucket and a hand on the forehead. We jumped around in a big pile of clothes. We threw our clothes up in the air.
We built a shelter of tarpaulin, a broom and mattresses. We got a pack of biscuits and a life jacket.
We lived as in the beginning with bonfires and riddled rituals to keep the questions in check. To control the desire for power and the struggle for the word, leadership, governance.
We gathered in a kitchen backdrop with potatoes and peeler knives. We were many in the small room. Party party party party, I said in the door, and we peeled potatoes and stood along the walls. Crawling around under the table.
I was good at creating opportunities and spaces, spatial poems that could open gates to the important.
I gathered and built a huge mountain of stuff.
I built corridors and spaces. There you and I and the others could crawl in and back. A backward movement into an early darkness.
I put you and the others in front of sewing machines and you produced fringes. Afterwards, you slept 20 people on 4 damp mattresses. Sank deep into the ground, nauseating air and chest pressure.
I made demonstrations or approaches to demonstrations that seemed important and seemed to be good for everyone. I tried.


Now I have to go on an unknown path. In twirling rituals. I spiral out of, away from what I know. The circle things is because it sounds good and gives a sense of meaning. I have to find my way home.



16.00 h

17.00 h

18.00 h

19.00 h

20.00 h

21.00 h

22.00 h

23.00 h

24.00 h

01.00 h

02.00 h

03.00 h

04.00 h



Seimi Nørregaard works with installation, performance, words and staging. Her installations are carefully thought out furnishings of the known, filled with details and references to a home community. Nørregaard’s spatial poems are produced in a continuous shuttle between space and narrative. A new object gets space. A new action is added. A poetic path is added to the text.


There is a striking playful dimension, a liberating and childish disarming side, where Nørregaard puts humor and play’s poetic impetus as a collective weapon against habitual thinking. As a trickster, she leads us unnoticed and in the midst of a casual laugh across the threshold to a place full of presence, sensory impressions and bodily challenges.


She has previously touched on common memory and understanding of phenomena such as working conditions (Arbejd Arbejd, Det Frie Felts Festival and Metropolis Festival 2015), hjemstavn (HJEM, Warehouse 9 2016), the dark space and intricate mechanisms of the subconscious (SKJUL, Overgaden – Institute for Contemporary Art 2016) and things, consumption and memory (Bjerget, Urum 2019).

Foto: Daniel Norback