19. oktober: Elin Margot / Walking Landscapes Aarhus

TID: 19. oktober kl. 06.00-18.00
KATEGORI: Performance
RUTE: Aarhus – Moesgaard Museum – Aarhus
DELTAG: Elin inviterer på fælles picnic kl 18.00 som afslutning på sin vandring. Se Facebook event her
Fælles Picnic starter kl 18.00 ved UAC Art Platform i bygning K ved Institut for X.
Live-stream hver hele time på www.facebook.com/walkinglandscapes



“This tale carried its beginning in a bag” is a collection of stories and recipes from today’s foragers narrated and performed through videos every hour throughout a 12 hour period on the 19th of October 2021. During the final performance, the audience is invited to join “physically” a picnic where foraged food and stories will be shared.

The story of the hunter and his stone-knife, piercing through the flesh of the wild animal – killing – is a foundational tale of our history: that we, as humans, dominate and threaten the rest of nature. The power dynamic in this narrative allows for one-sided practices such as extractive capitalism, intensive agriculture and aggressive relationships to more-than-human beings.

We fail to remember the gatherers. Seeds, roots, nuts, insects and other small animals collected in bags, pockets and other containers constituted the base of primitive hominids’ diet*. To be a successful forager, one needs to understand ecological patterns: seasons, flowering and sprouting of each plant, meteorological effects and only to cite a few. Through such practices humans learn to attune to the complex living ecosystems they are part of while surrendering to uncertainty: to the very possibility that there might be nothing to collect.

Sharpening a stone to kill; weaving a basket to collect; those are two stories involving contrasting actions, technologies and above all two divergent relationships to the rest of nature. What happens when we start recounting the tales of the gatherers as origin stories? 

For this work I gathered stories and recipes through online communities and networks of foragers that I will in turn share on social networks.This collection is an effort to put light on alternative relationships with more-than-human beings through contemporary foraging practices.


Elín Margot (they/them) is a designer artist currently located in Reykjavík, Iceland. 

Coming from a background in speculative design, they investigate the possibilities of food, rethinking the act of eating in connection with history, cultures and interspecies relationships. Food is a carrier of culture, it is the holistic result of innumerable human interactions, technologies and beliefs and has the incredible power of shaping our society. Food here is both an artistic medium and a communication tool they use to create convivial multi-sensory edible artworks or events. 

Lately Elín Margot has been focusing on the representation of gender in our food habits, questioning our interspecies relationships in our food system and creating a gentle activism through food practices such as fermentation and foraging.  




VIDEOS – de 13 nedslag

19. okt. kl. 6

19. okt. kl. 7

19. okt. kl. 8

19. okt. kl. 9

19. okt. kl. 10

19. okt. kl. 11

19. okt. kl. 12

19. okt. kl. 13

19. okt. kl. 14

19. okt. kl. 15

19. okt. kl. 16

19. okt. kl. 17

19. okt. kl. 18